My Work

Illustration for Science Communication
Science illustration can break down complex topics into clear understandable images. My work, with simple lines and bright colour gets at the heart of a subject. And by finding or expressing the stories behind the science I am able to communicate the humour, excitement, and wonder within fact.
I work in non-fiction picture books and comics. As well as illustration for museum exhibitions, informational pamphlets, and corporate explainers.

About Me
I was raised in Chicago, became an adult in Shanghai, and am currently based in Edinburgh. I work largely in ink, watercolour, and digital media. I make non-fiction picture books, comics, and animations. In doing so I find the visual stories behind scientific phenomena that everyone, expert or novice, can relate to. Because knowing more about the world makes it a more stunning place to live, and putting that knowledge in context enables us to better care for our home.